An exiled alien from a far-off planet has been hiding
on earth, apparently disguised as a human being, and feeding off the life
forces of humans, rendering them zombies, incapable of being productive
citizens and reducing them to taking jobs as bureaucrats.
Dr. Reilly Strange is the author of many books on the paranormal,
including Believe It or Else, Automatic Writing for the Illiterate,
and his most controversial book, Elvis Presley Is Dead. He recently
gave up on his research project on ghosts after his last experiment went
awry. He invented a spray that made ghosts fart, which, unfortunately, worked
too well. There was so much methane in the room, his cigar caused a flash
fire. Everyone in the room had their hair burnt off. So he gave up his search
for poltergeists. A man in his position can't afford to be without eyebrows.
Dr. Strange is reported to have invented a device that can detect even the
most undetectable of non-humans. The only known drawback so far: It is set
off by common household pets and postal workers. But then, postal workers
themselves are easy to set off.
Perry Normal, who suffers from multiple personality syndrome,
thinks the earth is really hollow and that Martha Stewart is the Anti-Christ.
He hopes that by staging the Convention for the Unconventional, he may finally
"get lucky."
International Star Inquisitioner reporter Greta Van Cistern, who
last year won the Bullitzer Prize, is still trying to make up for her botched
interview with a famous senator, who fell asleep while she was trying to
get him into a compromising position. Her only report: "Strom Thurmond
is a lousy kisser."
Formerly known
as "Men In Black," the secret government agency responsible for
controlling extraterrestrials has gone politically correct and is now known
as "People In Black. Agent R, the top agent in the P.I.B., was drafted
into government service after he graduated magnum come loudly from Roswell
High School.
Agent U was
the first female graduate from M.I.B.U., majoring in Termination with Extreme
Prejudice. As the first woman in the P.I.B., she intends to make a name
for herself at all costs.
Greta under other circumstances.
Last updated: October 9, 2008
An exiled alien from a far-off planet has been hiding
on earth, apparently disguised as a human being, and feeding off the life
forces of humans, rendering them zombies, incapable of being productive
citizens and reducing them to taking jobs as bureaucrats.
Dr. Reilly Strange is the author of many books on the paranormal,
including Believe It or Else, Automatic Writing for the Illiterate,
and his most controversial book, Elvis Presley Is Dead. He recently
gave up on his research project on ghosts after his last experiment went
awry. He invented a spray that made ghosts fart, which, unfortunately, worked
too well. There was so much methane in the room, his cigar caused a flash
fire. Everyone in the room had their hair burnt off. So he gave up his search
for poltergeists. A man in his position can't afford to be without eyebrows.
Dr. Strange is reported to have invented a device that can detect even the
most undetectable of non-humans. The only known drawback so far: It is set
off by common household pets and postal workers. But then, postal workers
themselves are easy to set off.
Perry Normal, who suffers from multiple personality syndrome,
thinks the earth is really hollow and that Martha Stewart is the Anti-Christ.
He hopes that by staging the Convention for the Unconventional, he may finally
"get lucky."
International Star Inquisitioner reporter Greta Van Cistern, who
last year won the Bullitzer Prize, is still trying to make up for her botched
interview with a famous senator, who fell asleep while she was trying to
get him into a compromising position. Her only report: "Strom Thurmond
is a lousy kisser."
Formerly known
as "Men In Black," the secret government agency responsible for
controlling extraterrestrials has gone politically correct and is now known
as "People In Black. Agent R, the top agent in the P.I.B., was drafted
into government service after he graduated magnum come loudly from Roswell
High School.
Agent U was
the first female graduate from M.I.B.U., majoring in Termination with Extreme
Prejudice. As the first woman in the P.I.B., she intends to make a name
for herself at all costs.
Greta under other circumstances.
Last updated: October 9, 2008