The women of "The Capitol Hillbillies"
Backsatge at "Overture for an Undertaker"

Backstage of "Mission: Unpossible"

Backstage of "Last kill and Testament"

A glimpse backstage at "A Deadly Christmas Carol"...
Michael Michael Moran Prepares to Play Mrs. Peacock-a-Doodle-Doo (from "The Maltese Ferret")
Butch Maxwell as Olive Boyle after Tank and Coach do her make-up. (from "Dead of the Class")
Shannan and Michael Moran backastage at Wheeling Country Day School (from "Overture for an Undertaker")

above: Backstage at Murder on the Luv Boat (January 2017)

The Cast of "The Pirates of Poughkeepsie" prepares (August 2014)
Slay Ride Five Backstage

Butch Maxwell post-Elfish.

Meghan Ross backstage, playing Princess Layla.
Coach's board explaining how Olive Boyle died. (from "Dead of the Class")
Last updated: April 13, 2024
The women of "The Capitol Hillbillies"
Backsatge at "Overture for an Undertaker"
Backstage of "Mission: Unpossible"
Backstage of "Last kill and Testament"
A glimpse backstage at "A Deadly Christmas Carol"...
Michael Michael Moran Prepares to Play Mrs. Peacock-a-Doodle-Doo (from "The Maltese Ferret")
Butch Maxwell as Olive Boyle after Tank and Coach do her make-up. (from "Dead of the Class")
Shannan and Michael Moran backastage at Wheeling Country Day School (from "Overture for an Undertaker")
above: Backstage at Murder on the Luv Boat (January 2017)
The Cast of "The Pirates of Poughkeepsie" prepares (August 2014)
Slay Ride Five Backstage
Butch Maxwell post-Elfish.

Meghan Ross backstage, playing Princess Layla.
Coach's board explaining how Olive Boyle died. (from "Dead of the Class")
Last updated: April 13, 2024