Beiberjuice [Left] – The ghost who haunts Calamity Manor, he had to give up drinking Bloody Marys when Mary ran out of blood.
Mrs. Cadaver [Center] – Housekeeper at Calamity Manor, she used to model underwear for Fruit of the Tomb.
Ratso [Right] – Groundskeeper at Calamity Manor, he was, in high school, voted Class Hump.

Snookums Tortellini [Left] – A hard-edged girl from New Jersey who is trying to grow her nail salon business, she loves her dog Fluffy Wuffy like a child. Her greatest embarrassment was when she wore a pair of shoes from Walmart.
Madame Mesmer [Right] – Psychic, mystic and bio-exorcist, she once hypnotized Keanu Reeves into believing he could act.
First page | Scenes from The Calmityville Horror | Audience photos | Video Trailer
Last updated: October 18, 2013
Beiberjuice [Left] – The ghost who haunts Calamity Manor, he had to give up drinking Bloody Marys when Mary ran out of blood.
Mrs. Cadaver [Center] – Housekeeper at Calamity Manor, she used to model underwear for Fruit of the Tomb.
Ratso [Right] – Groundskeeper at Calamity Manor, he was, in high school, voted Class Hump.
Snookums Tortellini [Left] – A hard-edged girl from New Jersey who is trying to grow her nail salon business, she loves her dog Fluffy Wuffy like a child. Her greatest embarrassment was when she wore a pair of shoes from Walmart.
Madame Mesmer [Right] – Psychic, mystic and bio-exorcist, she once hypnotized Keanu Reeves into believing he could act.
First page | Scenes from The Calmityville Horror | Audience photos | Video Trailer
Last updated: October 18, 2013