2011 Cast: (left to right)
Odd Sterling: Bert Furioli
Little Red Riding Hood: Shannan Noe
Big Bad Wolf, Jr.: Butch Maxwell
Grandma: Ryan Sears
Old King Cole: Jim Ellis (June/July) Sean Decker (August)
"You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension, a dimension between fact and fairy tale; a dimension of demented legends of folklore, gone askew of the storybook, under a blue florescent glow... "Once Upon a Crime - in the Twilite Zoan."
"Submitted for your approval:
A hooded girl with a propensity for wearing red, now all grown up and running
a courier service for fairy tale characters." Sterling adds that "Said
Red Riding Hood is dispatched to the home of one little old lady know to
Ms. Hood as Grandma, who is hosting party for a king. Along the way, she
is followed by the son of the legendary Big Bad Wolf."
Grandma is known to travel
on broomsticks and ask advise of her mirrors and kitchen appliances.
The king is not the jolly
old soul he is rumored to be. He hates his own pipe and bowl and despises
fiddle music. In fact, he is a cranky old man who couldn't be bothered to
lend out his men or his horses to put Humpty Dumpty together again. It is
said that he is haunted by a witch's curse.
And Big Bad Wolf Jr., a
sophisticated gourmet of vegetarian foods and who is fond of women who speak
French, wants nothing more than to avenge the murder of his father.
All this, under
the occasional eerie psychedelic glow light, happens "Once Upon a Crime - in the Twilite Zoan"
Above: 2012 Special performance cast with Michael Moran, Renee Zelinski, Butch Maxwell, Ryan Sears and Bert Furioli.
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Last updated: February 18, 2025