Indiana Smith - World famous archeologist and adventurer, he is
a brilliant professor who has made it his mission to find all of the greatest
antiquities of the world. (Butch Maxwell)

Pauline Peril - The long suffering fiancée of Indiana Smith
has made a career of being kidnapped and held hostage by bad guys, or otherwise
falling into harm's way. Her lifetime achievements include being tied to
railroad tracks, tied to a conveyer belt in a log-sawing mill and tied to
a long-term contract with a second-rate movie maker. She is well-traveled,
having fallen out of airplanes, been trapped in a sinking submarine and
been blasted into outer space. Now she just wants to get married and settle
down. Karissa Martin [2021-22]

Sir Harry Proctor-Gamble-Smythe - Born into an aristocratic English
linage, he has spent his life adventuring, which means running headlong
into his capers without a thought of the danger. In Sir Harry's case, it
was easy, because he's completely daffy. He was Indiana Smith's mentor in
his more lucid days. Dustin Heavilin [2021-22] - Understudy (March 2022): Pete Fernbaugh

Svetlana Tickov - One of the Soviet Union's top treasure hunters,
she is charged with retrieving the fortunes of the world to help bankroll
the spread of the Socialist ideals, including Communism, championship Olympic
hockey teams and fad diets based on borsht. Renee Storm [2021-22]

Ratso - As Svetlana Tickov 's toady, he is assigned to do all
her dirty work. The constant abuse he suffers at the hands of Svetlana,
he believes, is a sign of her love. He is incredibly stupid. Evan Oslund [2021-22] - Understudy (March 2022): Brenden Sheehen
The following photos are from 2007 production.
Above Left: 2007 Cast, from left: Ratso (Ryan
Sears), Svetlana Tickoff ( Bert Furioli), Pauline Peril (Arlene
Merryman), Indiana Smith (Butch
Maxwell), and Sir Harry Proctor-Gamble-Smythe (Gino
Above Right: 2007 Understudy Cast, from left: Ratso (Ryan
Sears), Svetlana Tickoff ( Bert Furioli), Pauline Peril (Deborah Frazier), Indiana Smith (Butch
Maxwell), and Sir Harry Proctor-Gamble-Smythe (Gino
Below from left: Indiana Smith (Butch Maxwell), Pauline Peril (Arlene Merryman), Sir Harry Proctor-Gamble-Smythe (Gino
Angelo), Svetlana Tickoff (Bert Furioli), and Ratso (Ryan
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Smith Page
Last updated: January 26, 2022
Indiana Smith - World famous archeologist and adventurer, he is
a brilliant professor who has made it his mission to find all of the greatest
antiquities of the world. (Butch Maxwell)
Pauline Peril - The long suffering fiancée of Indiana Smith
has made a career of being kidnapped and held hostage by bad guys, or otherwise
falling into harm's way. Her lifetime achievements include being tied to
railroad tracks, tied to a conveyer belt in a log-sawing mill and tied to
a long-term contract with a second-rate movie maker. She is well-traveled,
having fallen out of airplanes, been trapped in a sinking submarine and
been blasted into outer space. Now she just wants to get married and settle
down. Karissa Martin [2021-22]
Sir Harry Proctor-Gamble-Smythe - Born into an aristocratic English
linage, he has spent his life adventuring, which means running headlong
into his capers without a thought of the danger. In Sir Harry's case, it
was easy, because he's completely daffy. He was Indiana Smith's mentor in
his more lucid days. Dustin Heavilin [2021-22] - Understudy (March 2022): Pete Fernbaugh
Svetlana Tickov - One of the Soviet Union's top treasure hunters,
she is charged with retrieving the fortunes of the world to help bankroll
the spread of the Socialist ideals, including Communism, championship Olympic
hockey teams and fad diets based on borsht. Renee Storm [2021-22]

Ratso - As Svetlana Tickov 's toady, he is assigned to do all her dirty work. The constant abuse he suffers at the hands of Svetlana, he believes, is a sign of her love. He is incredibly stupid. Evan Oslund [2021-22] - Understudy (March 2022): Brenden Sheehen
The following photos are from 2007 production.

Above Left: 2007 Cast, from left: Ratso (Ryan
Sears), Svetlana Tickoff ( Bert Furioli), Pauline Peril (Arlene
Merryman), Indiana Smith (Butch
Maxwell), and Sir Harry Proctor-Gamble-Smythe (Gino
Above Right: 2007 Understudy Cast, from left: Ratso (Ryan
Sears), Svetlana Tickoff ( Bert Furioli), Pauline Peril (Deborah Frazier), Indiana Smith (Butch
Maxwell), and Sir Harry Proctor-Gamble-Smythe (Gino
Below from left: Indiana Smith (Butch Maxwell), Pauline Peril (Arlene Merryman), Sir Harry Proctor-Gamble-Smythe (Gino
Angelo), Svetlana Tickoff (Bert Furioli), and Ratso (Ryan

Last updated: January 26, 2022