April - May 2025
Once Upon a Crime
Submitted for your approval: A hooded girl with a propensity
for wearing red, now all grown up and running a courier service for fairy
tale characters; a Grandma known to travel on broomsticks and ask advise
of her mirrors, a king haunted by a witch's curse, and a Big Bad Wolf who
wants nothing more than to avenge the murder of his father... all told by
a strange creator of a spooky anthology series.
Public Performance Dates:
6:30 pm Thursday, April 10- River City Restaurant, Wheeling, WV
7:00 pm Thuesday, April 15 - The Rebekah, Wellsville, Ohio *
6:30 pm Thursday, May 8 - River City Restaurant, Wheeling, WV
Other dates may be announced.
Private parties are not listed.
Our shows are family-freindly!
* This is not a dinner theatre show. You may BYOB.
Last updated: February 18, 2025
April - May 2025
Once Upon a Crime
Submitted for your approval: A hooded girl with a propensity for wearing red, now all grown up and running a courier service for fairy tale characters; a Grandma known to travel on broomsticks and ask advise of her mirrors, a king haunted by a witch's curse, and a Big Bad Wolf who wants nothing more than to avenge the murder of his father... all told by a strange creator of a spooky anthology series.
Public Performance Dates:
6:30 pm Thursday, April 10- River City Restaurant, Wheeling, WV
7:00 pm Thuesday, April 15 - The Rebekah, Wellsville, Ohio *
6:30 pm Thursday, May 8 - River City Restaurant, Wheeling, WV
Other dates may be announced.
Private parties are not listed.
Our shows are family-freindly!
* This is not a dinner theatre show. You may BYOB.
Last updated: February 18, 2025