by Butch Maxwell and Bert Furioli
Murder, mystery and music lurk behind the scenes of a popular daytime drama in "One Life to Lose," an outrageous satire of soap operas.
In the show, "One Life to Lose" is one of network television's most popular and long running daytime dramas. But recently, declining revenues have left industry insiders speculating that one of the "above-the-line" actors will be cut from the show to save costs.
2018 Cast:
Katherine DePravia Kathy Baxter
Lucy Sushan Melody Meadows
Beau Brummel Butch Maxwell
Francine Genie Karissa Martin
Carey MacDonald Dustin Heavilin
Tyler Thwart Evan Oslund
Understudy: Francine Genie Micah UnderwoodFirst Page | Show Details | Scenes | The Characters | Audience Photos |Trailer
Original Cast | Katherine Depravia | Lucy Sushan|
Last updated: January 2, 2019