Popguy - The squinty-eyed sailor who adores Olive and is chemically dependant on spinach.

Olive Mohel – Popguy's sweetheart and caretaker of baby Sweat Pea.

Bruto – Popguy's rival for Olive's affection.

Gimpy – A connoisseur of fine hamburgers, Gimpy is Popguy’s friend. Well, he’s a friend to anyone who will lend him money for food.

The Sea Nag – She's a villain. What can we say?

Popguy - The squinty-eyed sailor who adores Olive and is chemically dependant on spinach.

Olive Mohel – Popguy's sweetheart and caretaker of baby Sweat Pea.

Bruto – Popguy's rival for Olive's affection.

Gimpy – A connoisseur of fine hamburgers, Gimpy is Popguy’s friend. Well, he’s a friend to anyone who will lend him money for food.

The Sea Nag – She's a villain. What can we say?

Olive Mohel – Popguy's sweetheart and caretaker of baby Sweat Pea.

Bruto – Popguy's rival for Olive's affection.

Gimpy – A connoisseur of fine hamburgers, Gimpy is Popguy’s friend. Well, he’s a friend to anyone who will lend him money for food.

The Sea Nag – She's a villain. What can we say?