(above) Santa Claus
The big man of the season. This year is more frantic than usual. He’s had to make major cutbacks. If it weren’t for NAFTA, he wouldn’t have been able to open that Toy Factory in Mexico. Now he has labor problems with the Reindeer Union. It is a well-kept secret that he has had his problems with animal rights activists who insist he keeps his reindeer airborne too long without refueling.

Elfish Prezley
Santa’s nebbish first officer, the elf keeps everything in line for him. Elfish won last year’s Arctic Circle Science Weenie Award. An efficiency expert and author of Seven Habits of Highly Effective Elves, Elfish left Keebler after the tainted chocolate chip cookie scandal of 1992.

Mrs. Claus
Rich and spoiled, no one enjoys getting gifts more than she. Santa has a factory dedicated to making gifts for her. She’s used to getting everything she always wanted. Now, she’ll stop at nothing to get her way. She likes her vehicles like she likes her men: Big, fast and with a ready stick shift.

Tooth Fairy
Formerly a demolition expert for Urban Renewal, he was arrested but never convicted for tripping children on the playground. Often picketed by orthodontists and dental hygienists, he can sometimes be found hanging around hockey arenas looking for stray teeth.

Easter Bunny
A real schemer, he has a new “hare-brained” get-rich-quick stratagem at every turn. One of his latest: chocolate-filled Faberge` Easter Egg knockoffs. The spry symbol of spring is a sensually insatiable rabbit with a taste for danger. Always looking for new income sources, he recently took an endorsement deal with Dr. Scholl’s.

Always the lead reindeer in Santa’s team, he’s begun to get a little to big for his famous red nose. Years of celebrity gone to his head. He got in trouble recently for dive-bombing Frosty the Snowman. Little does he know that most everyone at the North Pole would like to see this deer caught in some snowmobile’s headlights.
The 2017 Cast
Santa Claus..............Dustin Heavilin
Elfish Prezley............Meghan Ross
Mrs. Claus...............Vera Barton
Tooth Fairy...............Evan Oslund
Easter Bunny.....Butch Maxwell
Santa Claus ~ Frank Wilson Mrs. Claus ~ Vera Barton-Caro Elfish Prezley ~ Dee McCorkle Tooth Fairy ~ P.D. Gregg Easter Bunny ~ Butch Maxwell Understudies: Elfish Prezley ~ Jody Melto Tooth Fairy ~ Michael Moran |
Santa Claus ~ Frank Wilson Mrs. Claus ~ Vera Barton-Caro Elfish Prezley ~ Dee McCorkle Tooth Fairy ~ Bert Furioli Easter Bunny ~ Butch Maxwell Understudies: Santa Claus ~ Michael Moran Elfish Prezley ~ Arlene Merryman |
Santa Claus ~ Gino Angelo Mrs. Claus ~ Arlene Merryman Elfish Prezley ~ Dee McCorkle Tooth Fairy ~ Bert Furioli Easter Bunny ~ Butch Maxwell |