From "The Hollywood Scoop" October
31, 1950:
Above: Joel Nau, Sean Decker, Butch Maxwell, Dustin Heavilin and
Renee Storm.
"High Hopes for Horror" by Elemeno Pee
Universitale Pictures has great expectations for it's newest
release, now in production. With box office receipts declining ever since
the nation has become enamored with the advent of television, all the movie
makers have been struggling to get people back in the theaters.
Universitale's high hopes are invested in the teaming of a trio
of horror stars who used to pack audiences into the movie houses back in
the 30s and 40s.
The question is, in 1950, is anybody really going to get scared
at seeing Boris Kissoff do his Rankenstein Monster again? Was anyone ever
really that unnerved when Ron Cheyney, Jr. snorted and growled through countless
turns as the Woofman? In the modern age, who is really going to think it
is frightening when Bela Lagrossi unburies his Count Dragula?
This reporter thinks Universitale could save some money by dropping
the former stars and just doing a thriller starring the Invisible Man and
his evil twin?
I'll keep you posted on this one: Hollywood is expecting a visit
from Congressman Beauregard "Foghorn" Jackson IV, along with his
secretary, Miss Honeydew Thistlewhistle. During his visit to Los Angeles,
Congressman Jackson promises to offer a startling revelation about certain
very famous movie stars.
2024 Cast:
Bela Lagrossi aka Dragula:
Butch Maxwell
Boris Kissoff aka the Rankenstein Monster:
Joel Nau
Ron Cheny, Jr aka Woofman:
Sean Decker
Miss Honeydew Thistlewhistle:
Renee Storm
Congressman Beauregard "Foghorn" Jackson IV:
Dustin Heavilin

Photos below from previous productions.

Above: The 2010 cast: Bert Furioli, Ryan Sears, Butch Maxwell, Maura Schneider and
Gino Angelo.
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