The Story:
The Secondprize is on a peace mission: To deliver two officials from the
Federation's long-time enemy, the Burgh Collective, to a peace conference
with the Federation.
Captain James T. Quirk is aging, parnoid and still a total ladies' man - or so he thinks..
First Officer, Vulcan, and Chief Science Nerd Mr. Spork is jealous of the Captian. Quirk thinks Spork may be trying to undermine his command.
The ship's chief medical officer, Penelope Pusher, who recently replaced longtime doctor Bones McCroy, is desparate to bed and wed the captain.
The ship's engineer, Scotchie, is always drunk and in need of tough discipline from Captain Quirk. Or, at least, the captain thinks so.
Already on board is a Burgh princess. Her anyoing Burgh slang and incessant whining drive all on board crazy. The ship's crew
is now awaiting the arrival of a Burgh ambassador before it departs to the
What the crew of the starship do not realize
is that a cunning arch enemy of the Secondprize's aging captain has escaped
from the prison to which he was sentenced, and is about to exact his revenge
on the unsuspecting captain.
And the ship welcomes aboard a strangely sexy adrogen ambassador, who quickly steals the lust of the captain, and Spork, and all the other men on board - along with some of the women.
Above: 2006 cast of Space Trek.
Trek First Page | About the Trek Characters | Trek Audience photos | "Space Trek " Trailer
Last updated: Stardate April 1, 2017
The Story:
The Secondprize is on a peace mission: To deliver two officials from the
Federation's long-time enemy, the Burgh Collective, to a peace conference
with the Federation.

Captain James T. Quirk is aging, parnoid and still a total ladies' man - or so he thinks..

First Officer, Vulcan, and Chief Science Nerd Mr. Spork is jealous of the Captian. Quirk thinks Spork may be trying to undermine his command.

The ship's chief medical officer, Penelope Pusher, who recently replaced longtime doctor Bones McCroy, is desparate to bed and wed the captain.

The ship's engineer, Scotchie, is always drunk and in need of tough discipline from Captain Quirk. Or, at least, the captain thinks so.

Already on board is a Burgh princess. Her anyoing Burgh slang and incessant whining drive all on board crazy. The ship's crew is now awaiting the arrival of a Burgh ambassador before it departs to the conference.

What the crew of the starship do not realize is that a cunning arch enemy of the Secondprize's aging captain has escaped from the prison to which he was sentenced, and is about to exact his revenge on the unsuspecting captain.

And the ship welcomes aboard a strangely sexy adrogen ambassador, who quickly steals the lust of the captain, and Spork, and all the other men on board - along with some of the women.

Above: 2006 cast of Space Trek.
Trek First Page | About the Trek Characters | Trek Audience photos | "Space Trek " Trailer
Last updated: Stardate April 1, 2017