Tammy Cash
Formerly a resident of the Happy Valley Trailer Park, she has twice won the West Virginia Lottery and is now extraordinarily rich. She has an uncanny gift for winning in almost any dumb-luck situation. While her son’s father has never been in the picture, Tammy maintains she is both ma and pa to her boy, Billy Bob.

Mary Sweeny Todd (aka “Snooty”) Kerry
She comes from a long line of blue bloods. She has grave concerns about her daughter marrying into such an uncouth family, but she is going along with it, since the Cash family is rich.

Ashley Hanna Brittany
She is deeply angry about always being the bridesmaid, and never the bride. She would feel better about it if she were famous.

Michael Moron
The producer/director is desperate to have another hit reality TV show. His most recent show lost its star to elective office.

Rev. Moonbeam Asparagus
Tammy’s minister espouses a religion that promotes eating only meat and worships vegetables and seeks enlightenment from chemicals.

The Cast
Tammy Cash............Vera Barton-Caro
Mary (Snooty) Kerry...............Dustin Heavilin
Ashley Hanna Brittany.....Meghan Ross
Michael Moron...............Michael Moran
Reverend Moonbeam Asparagus..............Butch Maxwell
Mary (Snooty) Kerry...............Ryan Sears (April)
Michael Moron...............Josh DeBeni (June, August, September)
Michael Moron...............Evan Oslund (December)
Ashley Hanna Brittany...............Karissa Martin (August)
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Last updated: November 19, 2017