Above Original Cast: Bert Furioli (top) as the Wicked Witch.
From left: Gino Angelo as the Lion, Butch Maxwell as the Scarecrow and Ryan Sears as the Tin Man.
Front: Arlene Merryman as Dorothy. (Understudy for Dorothy: Cheryl Saseen Burke.)A precocious child, Dorothy Grail was suspended from kindergarten when she "found ways" to persuade boys out of their lunch money. In second grade she was expelled for soliciting her principal. She was ambitious to replace her father with a richer dad, so she didn't mind when her parents shipped her away - until she found herself in Kansas. She has never forgiven them. She wants all the simple things in life. Like simply, to live like a Goddess. Is that asking so much?
The Witch - loves a nice pair of shoes, and one day hopes to visit Italy - where the best shoes are made. She is tired of sharing her dominion with her evil sister and other witches, and likes to take her anger out on innocent little dogs and restaurant patrons.
Scarecrow is running from people who he owes money and took a job as a scarecrow because if he can't lie low, he can at least hang loose.
Tin Man wants women. But not just any woman. He wants all of the women.
Lion would kill for the perfect con game or con for the perfect kill game, he's not sure which.
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Last updated: October 12, 2008