Dr. Henry Jackal – the nerdish but ambitious scientist and physician got his first chemistry set when he was 12 – the same year his sister went mysteriously bald.

Prudence Prissywood – Jackal’s patient and research subject, she was raised in relative poverty. Her family only had six butlers, seven housemaids and only one partridge in her pair tree.

Ratso – Dr. Jackal's hunckbacked assistant doesn’t really have a hump. It’s a wart he got from a really big toad.

Sheerluck Holmes – renown detective, he was the smartest student in his class, and the most de-pantsed.

Dr. John Watson – Holmes' assistant, he met Sheerluck Holmes at school, when Watson de-pantsed Holmes.
First Page | Scenes from Dr. Jackal & Mr. Hype |Audience photos | Video Trailer
Last updated: February 2, 2012
Dr. Henry Jackal – the nerdish but ambitious scientist and physician got his first chemistry set when he was 12 – the same year his sister went mysteriously bald.
Prudence Prissywood – Jackal’s patient and research subject, she was raised in relative poverty. Her family only had six butlers, seven housemaids and only one partridge in her pair tree.
Ratso – Dr. Jackal's hunckbacked assistant doesn’t really have a hump. It’s a wart he got from a really big toad.
Sheerluck Holmes – renown detective, he was the smartest student in his class, and the most de-pantsed.
Dr. John Watson – Holmes' assistant, he met Sheerluck Holmes at school, when Watson de-pantsed Holmes.
First Page | Scenes from Dr. Jackal & Mr. Hype |Audience photos | Video Trailer
Last updated: February 2, 2012