Actor emeritus and principal actor for her roles in nine first run shows, she has understudied for 16 other parts for 12 different shows.
Cheryl Burke

She appeared in "The Rainmaker" at the Towngate Theatre.

Other Towngate appearances include "Steel Magnolias" and "Chapter Two."

Her Mystery Theatre credits
As principal actor:
Penny Loafer ~ Something
Stinks at P.U. (2000)
Lois Rhodes ~ Murder
on the Luv Boat (2004, 2006, 2008)
Donna Trump ~ Slay
Ride Five - CSI: North Pole (2005)
Ethel Hurtz ~ I
Killed Lucy (2006, 2009)
Marta Stewart ~ Kill
Phil (2008, 2011)
Svetlana Tickov ~ Indiana
Smith and the Raiders of the Lost Sequel ( 2008)
Sarah Bellum ~ Mind Over Murder ( 2009)
Binaca Bruju ~ Rock 'em Dead ( 2010)
Elish Prezley ~ Slay Ride 6: Santa's Last Christmas ( 2010)
As an understudy/in revival:
Zoë Spatafore ~ Who Wants to Murder
a Millionaire? (2000)
CattyWoman ~ The
Menace of the Super Duper Party Pooper (2001)
Alexis Luthor ~ The
Menace of the Super Duper Party Pooper (2001)
Lovely Bowell ~ Survivor
on Killigan's Island (2002)
Agent U ~ E.A.T.
- The Extra Added Terrestrial (2003)
Svetlana Tickoff ~ Indiana
Smith and the Restaurant of Doom (2003,2005, 2007)
Congressman Jackson ~ Tales
from the Script (2004, 2010)
Little Red Riding Hood ~ Once
Upon a Crime (2004)
Pauline Perril~ Indiana
Smith and the Restaurant of Doom (2004*)
Maragret Dripdrysdale ~ The
Capitol Hillbillies (2005,
Miss Scarletta ~ Elliot
Brick's Case of the Maltese Ferret (2005,2006*)
Cranky the Clown ~ Murder
Under the Big Top (2005 and 2010*)
Dr. Penelope Pusher ~ Space
Trek (2006)*
Dorothy Grail ~ Wizard
of Odds (2006, 2008*)
Katie Cowlick/Officer Malone/Judge Julie ~ Coleslaw & Order (2009)
Aunt Bee ~ Mayberry R.I.P. (2010)
* Principal performer of a show in revival
* Principal performer of a show in revival