by Ryan Slears, Bert Furioli and Butch Maxwell

It's time for the 25th reunion of the Class of '88! And who's on the reunion planning committee? A coach who struggles with anger issues, an ex-jock, the head cheerleader and a couple of nerds. But this gathering could be the real finals for one of them!
The Cast:
Coach Krunk: Michael Moran
Tabk Hughes: Bert Furioli
Holly Hox: Shannan Noe
Marvin Gardens: Ryan Sears
Olive Boyle: Butch Maxwell
Understudy: Dustin Heavilin
Meet the Characters | Scenes from Dead of the Class | Audience photos | Video Trailer
by Ryan Slears, Bert Furioli and Butch Maxwell
It's time for the 25th reunion of the Class of '88! And who's on the reunion planning committee? A coach who struggles with anger issues, an ex-jock, the head cheerleader and a couple of nerds. But this gathering could be the real finals for one of them!
The Cast:
Coach Krunk: Michael Moran
Tabk Hughes: Bert Furioli
Holly Hox: Shannan Noe
Marvin Gardens: Ryan Sears
Olive Boyle: Butch Maxwell
Understudy: Dustin Heavilin
Meet the Characters | Scenes from Dead of the Class | Audience photos | Video Trailer
Original Run: March - May, 2013
Last updated: May 11, 2013